Share Your Captured Memories with Morton IL Strong Insider Newsletter Website

Landing Page Description:

"Thank you for helping us capture the heart of Morton! By sharing your photos and videos, you allow us to spotlight the vibrant, wonderful moments that make our community special. Simply fill out the form below, upload your media, and grant us permission to share your captured memories with our readers.

We can’t wait to see your moments and celebrate Morton together!"

Form Fields:
Full Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Description of Your Memory:
(Optional field where users can provide a short description or story behind their photo or video)
Upload Your Photo or Video:
(File upload field that accepts images and video files)
Permission to Publish:
  • Checkbox: "I grant Morton IL Strong permission to publish my submitted photo(s) or video(s) in the newsletter, website, and associated media."
  • Checkbox: "I confirm that the submitted photo(s) or video(s) are my original work, and I understand they may be used to showcase our community."
Submit Button Text: "Submit Your Memory"